13 to 17 december 2023

Anuncio de Regata

For VOR 65-70 Monohull and Multihull
(and other class)

The All Round Canary Island is a regatta for VOR 65-70 and Multihull class boats and other class to be held in Canary island waters from 13 th to 17th December 2023 both included.

This event is organized by the Royal Canary Sailing Federation, Royal Yacht Club of Arrecife (Lanzarote), and Calero Marinas with collaboration of Government of the Canary Islands and Royal Spanish Sailing Federation.

1. Rules

  • 1.1 The Regatta will be governed by:
    • 1.1.1 The Rules as defined in the World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024 (RRS)
    • 1.1.2 [DP]The IRC Rules and Multihulls Rules.
    • 1.1.3 Other Class is permitted. ORC Rules.
    • 1.1.4 [DP]The World Sailing Equipment Rules (ERS)
    • 1.1.5 The World Sailing Category 3 safety rules 2022-2023 with life-raft on-board
    • 1.1.6 [NP] [DP] Other protocols and measures to be adopted regarding COVID 19 in accordance with the regulations applicable at the time of the event. These regulations will be published on the regatta website.
  • 1.2 The official language of the regatta is English. In case of any discrepancies between different languages used in the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions texts, the English text shall prevail.
  • 1.3 [NP][DP]All competitors and support staff must observe any reasonable instruction given by a member of the organization or race official.

2. Advertising

  • 2.1 Boats participating in the regatta can display individual advertising in accordance with World Sailing Regulation 20, as well as the RFEV Prescriptions to such Regulation.
  • 2.2 According to World Sailing Rule 20.4.1, the Organization can require participants to display advertising with the event sponsor´s logo.
    If this rule is infringed, WS regulation 20.9.2 will be applied.
    Participants are reminded of the obligation to display event stickers on both sides of the front 20% part of their hulls.
    These stickers will be provided by the Organising Authority.
  • 2.3 Spanish boats or boats representing a Spanish Club must have the required authorization from their National Authority if enforceable.

3. Eligibility

  • 3.1 Participants must comply with the eligibility conditions stipulated in World Sailing Rule 19 as well as in the RFEV Prescriptions to such Regulation.
  • 3.2 Participants of Spanish nationality or legal residence in Spain or competing on a boat representing a Spanish Yacht Club, must be holders of the 2023 sailor’s federation license endorsed by the RFEV and issued by the regional federation in which the sailor is resident or where the sailor practices the sport, in accordance with the RFEV Licenses regulations.
  • 3.3 Foreign sailors who do not have a sailing federation license shall prove they are holders of an accident and illness insurance valid in Spain.

4. Participating boats and entries

  • The Regatta is open to the following boats: Boats with a valid 2023 Class Certificate:
    - VOR 65-70 IRC Certificate 2023.
    - Multihull Class Certificate.
    - Other class ORC certificate 2023.
  • In each class, a minimum of 5 participating boats is required to form a class.
  • Entries must be made through the event website www.canariasnavega.com
  • The Entry fee will be as follows:
VOR 65-70 CLASS 2.500€
OTHER CLASS 40 - 60 FEET 200€
  • The entry deadline is on 1th December 2023 at 20:00 hours.
  • The Organizing Committee reserves the right to admit entries received after this deadlineand will apply a 50% increase on the fee indicated.
  • Payment of entry fees can be made up to 1th December 2023 at 20.00 hours via bank transfer to:
  • IBAN: ES81 0049 1881 4126 1015 0745
  • REFERENCE: All round Canary Island - Boat Name
  • Or via website online payment system at www.canariasnavega.com

5. Entry confirmation

The person responsible for each boat must register and sign the Entry Form and Acceptance of liability forms before 20.00 hours on 12th December 2023 and upload it to the Private Area on the club website. All registration procedures can be made online.

Registration is subject to the Organizing Committee’s approval of the documents detailed below. The owner or person representing the boat must upload these documents to the "online" registration area at www.federacioncanariadevela.org

  • a) For ORC yachts, a valid 2023 Certificate of class, IRC or ORC.
  • b) Copy of the payment receipt of the valid insurance covering a minimum amount of 600.000€
  • c) In case of displaying advertising, copy of the corresponding authorization of the National Authority.
  • d) Copy of the Sailing Federation License of each crew member (Only sailors with legal residence in Spain or competing on a boat representing a Spanish Yacht Club)
  • e) Crew list with Passport or National ID card number and contact telephone number.
  • f) Any other mandatory documentation to be presented in accordance with the requirements of the Sports and Health Authorities at the time of the regatta.

6. Programme and race

Wednesday,13th december 11.00h to 18.00h
Race office open
Briefing and cocktail
Thursday, 14th december 10.00h Start Race
Friday,15th december 12.00h Start race Lanzarote Challenge
Sunday, 17th december 14.00h to 19.00h Limit race
Prize Giving Ceremony
VOR 65-70 1 Race

Race for Challenge and Record


Race for Lanzarote Challenge


7. Notice board, Documents and Sailing Instructions and Inspections.

  • 7.1 The Official Notice Board will be online and available on the event website.
  • 7.2 All documents required for Registration in accordance with NOR 5 will be provided, as far as possible, online. Documents will be posted on the website private area and only where necessary, formalities will be made at the Race Office.
  • 7.3 All requests and/or communications during the event will be made by email to providing all details.
  • 7.4 The Sailing Instructions will be posted on the event website from 13rd December.
  • 7.5 Security and measurement checks can be carried out at any moment.
  • 7.6 During the regatta it will not be possible to carry more sails than those indicated in the Class Rules in force.

8. Results

Results for will be established according:

  • Real Time.
  • ORC and IRC Overall results for each of the classes established.
  • Results for Multihull Class.

9. Safety

  • This regatta is considered as Category 3 as defined in the World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations in force.
  • All boats must be equipped with a VHF radio with channel 16 as well as the regatta’s official communication channels, which will be indicated in the Sailing Instructions.
  • It is mandatory for all the participating boats to use their own engines to navigate through Canary Island waters as well as to follow the navigation rules of the mentioned port.
  • The boat Owner or his/her representative is responsible for ensuring that their boat complies with the general legal rules for leisure boats and specially for its handling, dispatch and safety.

10. Trophies

  • There will be an absolute winner for each of the Classes established.
  • The complete list of trophies will be posted on the Online Official Notice Board.

11. Berths

11.1 All boats whose entry is accepted in the regatta will be provided with a reserved berth at RFCV from 10th December to 20th December 2023.

11.2 Berths will be free of charge during this period and will be taken under the entire responsibility of the owner or the skipper of each participating boat.

11.3 The ORGANISING AUTHORITY may consider special cases and reserves the right to assign berths in strict order of reception of entries, in accordance with the boat’s size and draught.

11.4 In case of urgent need of hauling out, the person responsible for the boat will make everything possible to inform the Race Officer by radio, telephone or any other means. If not possible, the authorisation may be requested later.

12. Risk statement

Sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. Sailors and support personnel taking part in the regatta do so at their own risk. Attention is drawn to RRS Rule 3, which states:

- The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone.

By taking part in the Event, each competitor agrees and acknowledges that:

- They are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and accept responsibility for the exposure of themselves, their crew and their boat to such inherent risk whilst taking part in the Event.
- They are responsible for the safety of themselves, their crew, their boat and their other property whether afloat or ashore.
- They accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by their own actions or omissions.
- By participating in any race they are satisfied that the boat is in good order, equipped to sail in the Event and that they are fit to participate.
- The provisions of a race management team, safety boats, judges and other officials and volunteers by the race organiser does not relieve them of their own responsibilities.
- The provision of safety boats is limited to each assistance, particularly in extreme weather conditions, as can be practically provided in the circumstances.
- It is their responsibility to familiarise themselves with any risk specific to the venue or the Event drawn to their attention in any rules and information produced for the venue or the Event and to attend any safety briefing held for the Event

13. Images Rights

The image rights of the Regatta belong only and exclusively to RFCV and the RFEV.

Participants authorize the Sponsor(s) and the Organising Authority to use their name and image or that of the boat on which they participate in the regatta in any text, image or video to be published or broadcasted in any media (including written press, TV advertising or Internet) as well as editorial comments, information or advertising. Furthermore, competitors’ name and biographical material can be used or reproduced by any known media.

Competitors commit to not doing or allowing any reproduction or public communication action, nor distribution of the event images without prior authorization from RFCV.

All advertising actions unrelated to the event sponsor, the clubs and the Organising Committee, carried out in the Club premises or allocated pontoons by competitors, their sponsors or persons, entities or organizations directly or indirectly linked to them, must have the prior written authorization from the Organising Authority.

Non-compliance of this rule will result in the automatic exclusion from the regatta of the boat displaying the advertising purpose of the action, with no refund of the entry fee.


14. Social Events / Prize Giving

- The prize giving ceremony will be held once the overall results have been posted on Sunday 17th December 2023.

- The Social Events scheduled during the racing days will be posted on the Official Notice Board and official web site.


15. Local Marine Rules

  • Royal Decree 62/2008 stipulates the conditions of maritime security, shipping and human life at sea applicable to nautical sports events.
  • Participants are reminded before the start of the races that boats can only participate in the regatta if they are dispatched in accordance with the rules to sail in waters where the regatta takes places and their skippers hold the necessary qualification documents to steer the boat.
  • Participants must declare, well in advance of the start of the regatta, the subscribed insurances with the risks covered and liability limits in accordance with the Notice of Race, ensuring cover for their participation in nautical sport events.
Calero Marinas
Real Federación Canaria de Vela
Real Federación Española de Vela
Real Club Náutico Arrecife


Gobierno de Canarias
Cabildo de Lanzarote
Servicio Insular de Deportes
Consejo Superior de Deportes
World Sailing